Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dia Uno - Via de la Plata

Walked out of the hotel about 7.30am and set off across the narrow streets of Sevilla, crossed the bridge to Triana, then past the old expo sight to the next bridge over the other channel of the river. Gypsies camped all along the river, glad to be walking here first thing in the morning and not at night. Lots of yellow arrows to follow, very reassuring as I would hate to get lost in these seedier suburbs of Sevilla. Camas is a bit run down. Made it to Santiponce about 10am, got accosted by an old man who wanted to give me a ride in his car (I think). Went to Italica, Roman ruins where Hadrian (of the Wall), Trajan and Scipio hung out.
Saw three pilgrims in the distance as I walked past industrial stuff, biscuit factory, smelt good (will be pig farms soon enough). Probably 50-something Germans by the look of them, and sure enough they were. Found the turn off through the farms, beautiful walk down a long straight road. Sunflower fields will be spectacular in a month or so. Walked into Guillena about 3pm with a Spanish and Italian bloke. Almost everything closed but opened up again about 7pm. Albergue full with mostly solo travellers except for packs of Germans. Spanish is the common language, but people are ending up speaking English with me even if they say they don't speak it much. Maybe attempting Spanish helps them or maybe my accent is so appalling they give up. Found out it was Pentecost on Monday - so much for me being on a religious pilgrimage. Haven't been inside a church yet, not even the Segrada Familia or Giralda in Sevilla.

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