Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Carmen - The Play

The weather has held up so we went to see Carmen tonight.

It was a very well done production. Being in the courtyard of the building where the real Carmen worked added to the atmosphere, as did the fact that it was an outdoor production, at night, under the stars.

What we got wasn't quite what I was expecting though. It was a production of Carmen the play as opposed to Carmen the opera. It was very well done though and the lead actors who played Carmen and Don Jose were fantastic, which is not taking anything away from the rest of the cast who were also very good.

What we did have a problem with was that it was all in Spanish, and this was not SBS so there were no subtitles!! We do know the story though and this helped, I was able to follow a fair bit of it which made me feel good too.

On the way home at 12:30 (i.e. a little after midnight) we stopped at this Helados (ice cream) shop. They had a huge range of flavours to choose from. They all looked really good and we had no idea what any (most) of them were. So Marianne & I picked 2 flavours each and treated ourselves to some magnificent ice cream that was unbelievably yummy, sitting outside the ice cream shop at half past midnight.

Very civilised.

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