Friday, June 25, 2010


I am getting seriously behind in my posts. Here I am writing about Madrid when I have already left Madrid and been to Malta - and already left Malta and spent 2 days in Rome already. The passport issues in Madrid (see earlier post) and lack of wifi + time in Malta didn't help. So I'll have to race through the next couple of posts in order to try & catch up.

Thanks to the passport thing I really didn't do much in Madrid at all. Marianne managed a few things which was at least a positive. We did get out for the day to Toledo, which is a beautiful and quaint little town half an hour out of Madrid on the fast train. That was a nice day out and will be the subject of my next post. For those of you in Malta it would not be unfair to say it is like a bigger and more elaborate (but still small) Mdina.

We did get to walk around Madrid a bit once I got my passport sorted. It also helped that it was the longest day (or one day either side of it). We had a reasonable meal next to the Plaza Mayor. The photos show a small section of the Plaza Mayor, the sky & moon at 10PM, and the place where we had dinner - also at 10PM.

Finally, I know this picture doesn't really work, but what the heck - it is a panoramic view of pretty much the whole of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid, quite a spectacular square. As with all the pictures, click on the picture to view a larger image. Also with all pictures, I have deliberately made even the larger images quite small (to they load faster onto the web for me, and from the web for you). Let me know if you want me to send you the full blown original of any of them.

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