Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rome - A Couple More Bibs and Bobs

There is obviously a huge number of things to do (and photograph) in Rome. These are just a couple of them.

  • The triumphal gate near the Colosseum. The guide explained who put this up and why, but I've forgotten already!.

  • The unbelievably massive monument to Vittorio Emmanuele II, the first king of united Italy. This monument is as impressive as it is big. Imagine if he'd been a rock star with that size ego!

  • The Trevi fountain, quite something else when it comes to fountains. Huge number of people here in a very confined space, but still worth the visit. The fountain is huge and like nothing I've ever seen before, quite beautiful.

  • Piazza Repubblica at the top of the Via Nazionale. Not much to say about this except that it was okay but a lot smaller than I had imagined it would be. Nothing like the Plaza Espana in Seville, for example (but then very few spaces come close to that monster!).

  • A shot of the quaint Ponte Nomentana near the hotel (it is closed to traffic) and the local river.

  • The market at Nomentana. Marianne will tell yoiu I am absolutely not into markets. However this market in a square in Nomentana sells genuinely useful stuff rather than the junk available in most markets. Interestingly the fish guy (I am not going to call him a fishmonger) put his fish into foam containers and would occasionally tip a bucket of water over them. Not a block of ice in sight!

Hopefully that should give a glimpse of our time in Rome.

Tomorrow The Vatican!

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