Friday, June 25, 2010


Marianne and I spent a lovely day at Toledo, just half an hour out of Madrid on the fast train.

By the way, for the less computer savvy amongst us, I have placed links on some of the places in the blog - such as "Toledo" above - if you click on the link your browser will take you to another page that shows you information about that place. You know there is a link because the browser displays the word(s) with links a little differently to the other words in the post.

Toledo is a quaint walled city with very narrow streets and some beautiful buildings, arches, gateways, etc. It has a large Arabic influence which gives it an interesting "flavour". It is really pleasant walking around. Like every city in Spain it has a number of plazas (squares) all through the place.

This is a photo of the main square.

Following is a mish mash of photos taken in Toledo.

The final image I have from Toledo is of this bronze of Cervantes, author of Don Quixote.

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