Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lovely Weather for Ducks and Museums

It had to happen sooner or later, the weather broke today and it rained, and rained, and rained. And when it wasn't raining, it drizzled.

Mike's Spanish word for the day is "mojado" (pronounce the 'j' as a 'h'). According to the dictionary it means "wet; soaked; dam which describes very well my condition for most of today.

This was a good reason to go visit a couple of museums. Seville has been important since before Roman times so there is a lot of history here. Marianne visited a place called Italica just north of the city where there are extensive Roman ruins and we will be going there some time over the next couple of days. The weather is supposed to clear up again after some light showers tomorrow morning.

We visited an archaeological museum that had a lot of Roman stuff from Italica and surrounding areas as well as other items dating back from the stone age and various civilisations that settled this area between then and now. We also visited a contemporary art museum. The building itself was splendid and some of the exhibits were excellent but overall not really my cup of tea.

We also went to what is now the University, but up until the 1940s it was a tobacco factory, and the place where Carmen (of the opera) worked. More on that in my next post.

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